Lennon Training is now using the Coursedate online course booking system

  in  Course Booking Systems

Queensland based training provider Lennon Training is now using Coursedate to promote its courses online and take course bookings online.

Lennon Training is a highly regarded, family owned business established in 1991 to provide training to the mining industry. It has training centres in three locations in Queensland and has played a significant role in the development of training programmes and accreditation for the mining industry, both in Australia and internationally.

coursedate on a laptop

Coursedate works for Lennon Training because:

  1. The busy Lennon team can promote courses online without too much effort. Courses work on mobile and Coursedate’s formatting tools make it very easy to create attractive, 'sticky' course overview pages. Client organisations and learners can then self-book onto courses.

  2. Lennon Training runs around 20 courses on multiple dates across three different training locations. Coursedate’s new training page makes it much easier for clients to see all the dates and locations for a particular course. They choose the date and location they want and then book the course.

  3. Coursedate also streamlines the back-office management of course bookings. The Lennon Training team can search for bookings, add information like purchase order numbers and track customer enquiries.

Coursedate simplifies course publishing, bookings and learner/delegate management. Our design philosophy - simple, intuitive screens - means the Lennon Training team has required almost zero training.

You can find out more about Lennon Training and the courses they offer here:


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