Training Provider CRM

Use data to improve customer engagement & increase course bookings

Coursedate becomes your customer relationship management system. You can use the data you collect with Coursedate to respond more quickly to enquiries, requests for quotes and course feedback.

Your data also becomes a source of insight into what courses are popular and client/learner preferences over time. You can generate new course ideas, identify customer niches and run targeted marketing campaigns.

Coursedate dashboard

Training Provider CRM with Coursedate

Use the data you collect with Coursedate to improve learner engagement and increase course bookings.

Find Out More

Leaner view shows bookings and enquiries

View learner engagement

Search for learners by name, email address or course. See a learner's full history - bookings and enquires - at a glance.

Find all the learners enrolled on a course - or a group of related courses - and then email updates or new course promotions.

Respond quickly to enquiries

Integrate Coursedate with your existing website and use it to capture and manage enquiries.

A simple and searchable list of all enquiries makes it easier to respond with answers and track demand for courses.

You can filter enquiries by course and view a learner's enquiry history.

Enquiries overview page in Coursedate
Learner page showing enrolment and enquiry history

Target marketing campaigns

Take advantage of Coursedate's structured database of information about courses and learners.

You can identify existing learners who might be interested in other courses, download contact information and then use it to develop more effective email marketing campaigns.

Analyse attendance data

Track course session attendance with Coursedate.

Analyse the data you collect about course session attendance and then compare courses, identify problems and spot trends over time.

Attendance summary page in Coursedate

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I download data about learners and the courses they are booked on?

Yes, data can be downloaded as .csv files and then imported into Microsoft Excel. You can also search and filter data before downloading it.

How do I see all the learners that have booked on a course?

There are several easy ways to do this. You can click on the course in the admin dashboard or you can search for bookings by course code. You can also search for courses on the main Course page and then click the Bookings link.

Can we have more than one admin account?

Our Basic package includes 2 admin users. Pro gets you 5 admin users and with Premium you can have unlimited admin accounts.

Want to know more about Coursedate?

An online demo is a quick way to find out how Coursedate can increase your course bookings and streamline your admin.

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Coursedate running on a laptop

Why not try Coursedate?

Get started today with our 30 day free trial. No credit card required.