How to create and schedule MS Teams based courses with Coursedate

  in  Course Booking Systems

You can create webinar based courses with the latest release of Coursedate.

That could be a course (or workshop) that’s delivered through MS Teams, Google Meet or any other video conference platform that generates a link for attendees.

Use the standard Create a course form.

Create your course in Coursedate

Make sure that in addition to the Course Start Date you also provide:

  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Venue - set to ‘Online Course’

Then copy your MS Teams (or other conferencing platform) meeting link and paste it into the Web Link box.

Add your web link

You can also optionally include the webinar link in the confirmation email that gets sent to a learner when they book on a course. The email also includes an iCal attachment - so the learner receives a meeting invite that can be added to their calendar.

And the link you enter into the Web Link box doesn’t have to be a webinar link. It could be a link to anything - further information about the course or a link to resources that you want the learner to study before the course starts.

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