How to use Social Media Alongside Your Training Course Booking Software to Increase Enrolments

  in  Course Booking Systems

Here are some quick social media wins - fast, low cost things you can do to pull in more visits to your course pages on Coursedate. They are easy to implement and more course page visits should convert into more enrolments.

Start with three different social media/networking accounts:

  1. Twitter
  2. Facebook
  3. LinkedIn

Start with Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn because they allow you to add links in posts - you want to link back to your courses in Coursedate. They also reach slightly different audiences, which should encourage you to refine your strategy and target your posts, tweets etc to make them more effective.


  1. Twitter - Audience skewed towards younger. Finding the right tone/voice for Twitter can be hard for businesses. Humour works, but it is hard for businesses to get it right.
  2. Facebook - Bigger middle aged audience, works well for a small business that can invest time in fine tuning content for a target audience.
  3. LinkedIn - Business focused, good if you can be seen as an industry 'expert'.

Take the social media posts seriously and aim to post regularly. One thing that helps is a social media calendar - plan when you want the posts to happen on the different platforms. Coming up with ideas for longer posts can be hard, again planning ahead helps because you can come up with some early outline ideas and then improve them over a period of two or three weeks.

What's good practise on the different platforms? Here are some tips for using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to promote your courses and bring visitors to your course pages:

Twitter Tips:

  1. Use your logo as your profile image.

  2. Tweets need to be short. Use Tweetdeck to schedule tweets in advance.

  3. Identify peak hours for sending out tweets. You get more clicks at certain times of the day and week.

  4. Use images in tweets - you get much more engagement.

  5. Use Twitter polls to get engagement and feedback on ideas.

Facebook Tips:

  1. Use a business page, not a personal profile.

  2. Post about people, with photos where you can. Course delegates on courses, happy delegates with course certificates.

  3. Post your best blog content - quality not quantity.

  4. Make sure blog posts include the right meta tags - so Facebook posts then show a full preview of the blog post.

LinkedIn Tips:

  1. Create a company page on LinkedIn.

  2. Post regularly - once a week. Use your best blog content. Encourage employees to share that content with their networks.

  3. Look for content ideas that will interest your network - industry trends, lessons learned, tips etc.

  4. Write industry adjacent content - stuff that isn't directly related to the training/courses you offer, but will interest the same audience.

Are you still using spreadsheets to manage course bookings? With a course booking system like Coursedate you get a single database. You replace a system of adhoc spreadsheets with a central store of data that is organised and accurate. It now becomes easier to run reports, do some analysis and look for insights about course views, enquiries and enrolments.

You should use the reporting tools in Coursedate and Google Analytics to look at how well your social media strategy is working.

Which channel is sending the most visitors through your course catalog? What courses do your visitors look at? Use the data to build up a picture of what your audience is interested in and then adjust your strategy. Tweak the content of your posts and tweets so they are a better match for the needs and interests of your audience.

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